Thanks for reaching out

We find that most water questions can be quickly answered with our FAQs.

Top FAQs

You can find a full list of FAQs here.

What's my order status?

You can check your order status here.

When will my order be activated?

Most orders are activated on the date requested. If you do not receive an activation email from the city by the end of the activation date, please reach out to your city's utilities department directly.

How do I turn on water sooner than the earliest available date?

To expedite service, please contact your city directly.

How do I change my order information?

You can ask us to cancel your current order and then you can submit a new one or you can call your city directly.

Why was I rejected?

Your city will have provided a reason in the order update email sent to your email inbox. Please read that email carefully.

How do I set up billing?

With your city. They will provide instructions over email or physical mail OR you can visit your city's website for instructions.